Hello, visitor!
I'm Baijnath Kumar - a Software Engineer & a Father from Bangalore, India
- I'm aliased as bkum at work.
- I live in Bangalore, KA, India.
- My first programming language I learned was C.
- I love software development.
- I work mostly with Java, Spring/Spring-boot technologies.
- I'm an independent introvert, and a technophile obsessed with the latest technology.
- I love cooking and keeps experimenting with recipes .
- I love listening .
- Currently I am learning to play .
I started learning to code in 2009 when I was in school.
I landed my first job as a Back-end Developer in 2015.
I have a passion for latest technology and want to keep updated with it.
I started this blog to record my progress, skill and share my knowledge.
I’m eager to meet and connect other, so feel free to connect!
Happy reading